Hate speech

Why is a hate crime worse than a regular crime?

I never have agreed with the concept of hate crimes.

If someone is assaulted because of their skin color, does that mean they are injured more? If someone is killed because of their sexuality, are they any more dead?

As I see it, a hate crime grants a "protected" status to minority groups. That in turn tells me two things. First, that someone believes that simply by being a minority, they are less than fully human. Second, someone is perpetuating intolerance to gain political power for themselves.

I firmly believe that the only race is human. On a intellectual level I've seen no evidence to show that any minority is less capable than any one else. On a spiritual level, I've met people of different colors that I would consider "saints," just as I have met people of all colors that I would consider major pains in the rear. On a biological level, a willing lady is delightful, no matter what her pigmentation.

That's why I am glad to see Cinnamon Stillwell's article on hate speech and the impact it is having on our society.

It's called hate speech. If there ever were a more Orwellian concept, it would be difficult to find. For much like the concept of  "thought crimes" in George Orwell's novel "1984," hate crimes and hate speech suppose intent on the part of the "perpetrator" that may or may not have any basis in reality. What is often mere criticism or disapproval is labeled "hatred" and thus made worthy of punishment. Such a perspective demands that one think only nice thoughts about others. But when it did it become law that we have to like everyone?

While bigotry is indeed unpleasant, it is not in and of itself a crime. Whether one acts on that bigotry or incites others to violence in accordance is another matter. The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me," comes to mind.

The whole article is worth your time, especially when she talks about unexpected consequences.

Hat tip to Brain Terminal.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - June 29, 2006 at 04:45 AM  Tag

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