Government cover up

Corruption in the Clinton White House

The Barrett report is about to be released, and the New York Daily News has seen it.

David Barrett's 11-year, $23 million probe, which will be released tomorrow, states in stinging terms that this Clinton coverup succeeded.

Cisneros was forced to admit in 1999 that he had made secret payments to a mistress before serving as Clinton's secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Barrett investigated tax fraud charges stemming from those under-the-table payments.

Then-IRS Commissioner Peggy Richardson, a close friend of Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), was involved in efforts to quash the probe, a source close to the case alleged.

But Richardson's role was cut from Barrett's report, which went through 26 drafts, because Democratic law firm Williams & Connolly successfully pressured Barrett to remove a section of the report naming her, a source said.

The law firm represents Cisneros, former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

We do have evidence of other things during the Clinton Administration. FBI files missing for years that mysteriously turned up in the Residence. Harassment by FBI and IRS agents of Mr. Clinton's political foes and former lovers. And that is just what has been reported.

I'm not bringing this up to excuse any actions that President Bush has taken.

I'm bringing this up to show that the Democrats are not untainted. You could even say that at least half the abuse is theirs.

That is why I find things like Mr. Gore's speech a couple of days ago so amazing. Of all the Democrats that could have talked about the wiretapping situation, he is probably one of the ones who should avoid the topic.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - January 19, 2006 at 04:24 AM  Tag

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