Energy policy primer (written so even the politcos can understand)

A realistic look

Arnold Kling lectures the politicos.

Let's go s-l-o-w-l-y. Start by asking yourselves these questions:
• Should the goal of U.S. energy policy be to raise long-term domestic energy production, or to reduce long-term domestic energy production?
• Should the goal of U.S. energy policy be to increase profits earned by Iran and other foreign producers, or to reduce their profits?
• Should the goal of U.S. energy policy be to increase consumer demand for gasoline, to leave consumer demand alone, or to reduce consumer demand?

Did you answer "raise long-term domestic energy production," "reduce profits of foreign suppliers," and "leave consumer demand alone" or "reduce consumer demand"? Very good! Those are very sensible answers. Before reading further, go back and repeat the questions and the answers five times, to make sure that they stick in your mind.

He had to make sure that they understood, but you shouldn't have any such problems. Read the rest of the article, and then ask yourself WTF are they doing?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - April 28, 2006 at 06:23 PM  Tag

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