Hillary Clinton needs an economics lesson

And she needs better speechwriters to get her point across. When you call for massive government intervention, that is NOT a free market

Doesn't anyone actually read this lady's speeches? Gods! Hillary Clinton wants to "share prosperity" by getting the government involved.

The Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an ownership society really is an "on your own" society that has widened the gap between rich and poor.

"I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society," she said. "I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none."

That means pairing growth with fairness, she said, to ensure that the middle-class succeeds in the global economy, not just corporate CEOs.

"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed," she said. "Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."

Here's shared prosperity for you. I have money to spend, I buy something, thereby sending money to the merchant, the distributor, and on up the chain of supply. That is the free market, it works WITHOUT government. She is using the classic doublespeak, calling a managed economy a free market when it violates every assumption of economic freedom.

Fairness? Doesn't exist, it can't exist. Some products and services better fill the consumer's need, that is how they stay in business. It may be "fair" to offer me both rotten fruit and fresh fruit at the grocery store, but given a choice I am always going to buy the fresh fruit. In fact, I will go for the best quality at the best price. The grocery store knows that and will take the things that don't sell off it's shelves to make room for the things that do sell. That way, the store sells more merchandise, makes a bigger profit, pays more to it's employees, hires more employees, and pays a bigger dividend to it's owners. Rotten fruit doesn't sell and just makes the good stuff slimy and smelly.

Get that? More jobs and higher paying jobs happen only because of profits. The private sector can outproduce and outperform anything the public sector can do as long as government stays out of the way. And they will improve the product a dozen times in one election cycle. The result is lower prices and more capability.

Hillary Clinton's idea of "fairness" is to siphon the money out of the top of the system, take a healthy chunk out to pay for government expenses and bribes, and distribute the remainder under some unknown formula that determines relative need.

It doesn't work. It just makes government bigger and people more dependent while slowing down technical advances.

Oh, and it enriches government coffers.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - May 29, 2007 at 03:46 PM  Tag

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