Trapped by poverty or trapped by "compassion?"

How much of the poverty problem is because some politicos need victims to help?

This article got me to thinking. It's not anything I can really quote. I think it is an attitude. I've been thinking about this off and on since Hurricane Katrina.

My family comes from the South, I used to go back for holidays and special occasions. I think I noticed it first as a kid. There is a type of public figure who isn't interested in solving problems as much as they are for getting credit for their compassion.

To do this, they need a disadvantaged minority. Someone they can trot out for photo ops to show how much they care. When the dog and pony show starts for the cameras, they want someone who will obediently jump through hoops and speak on command.

Like pets.

For this to work, there always has to be a disadvantaged minority. So most of the members of that minority group can't be allowed to succeed, either on their own terms or by the rules of the society at large. They always have to be at the mercy of forces greater than they are. They always have to be dependent on the "compassionate."

They can't be allowed to be human or the "compassionate" lose their power.

See, solving the problem isn't the goal. The show for the cameras is the goal. The rest is just going through the motions. The show of compassion is the important thing.

Poverty isn't the problem, it just provides a breeding ground. Just like stagnant water breeds mosquitoes in the summer.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - November 11, 2005 at 07:58 AM  Tag

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