Deliberately confusing the issues

"In Defense of The Drug War" by John Hawkins

John Hawkins makes some deliberate errors.

For example, you often hear advocates of drug legalization say that we're never going to win the war on drugs and that it would free up space in our prisons if we simply legalized drugs. While it's true that we may not ever win the war against drugs -- i.e. never entirely eradicate the use of illegal drugs -- we're not ever going to win the war against murder, robbery and rape either. But our moral code rejects each of them, so none -- including drugs -- can be legalized if we still adhere to that code.

Got that? He deliberately equated murder, robbery and rate to drug abuse.

Any Libertarian or libertarian worth their salt will tell you that consensual crimes are not the same as crimes that harm the person or property of others. I talked about it here.

A law is not moral or ethical just by virtue of being a law. Immoral laws are bad laws.

Unless you hurt someone or their property, THERE IS NO REASON FOR THE STATE TO INTERFERE.

That covers murder.

That covers assault.

That covers rape.

That covers theft.

That covers fraud.

That covers property damage.

The very second that someone passes a law "for your own good" that takes away your choices is the second that law has crossed the line into immorality.

Not because of what is written in some holy book. Not because of what some priest said. Not because of what some protesters demand.

But because you have been deprived of a moral choice. When the State takes morality upon itself, it has declared that your choices are not good enough. Even if your choices are the same as the majority today, there is no guarantee that you will agree with the majority tomorrow.

And once the precedent has been set, who will defend you then?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - January 29, 2007 at 09:43 AM  Tag

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