Some of the other blogsThey didn't make my nomination for the
Thinking Blogger Award, but they are still great blogs
Obviously I couldn't mention all of the blogs
that make me think, there wasn't room if I had to pick just five. So here are
some of the others that are worth your
Coyote Blog by Warren Meyer Dispatches from a Small Business This one missed my top five by a half a hair, it really was a tossup between him and Rite Wing TechnoPagan. Not only is Warren Meyer a fellow Arizonian, but he takes the practical business view of government. I cite him quite a bit and for good reason. I really like his approach. A site for individualist feminism and individualist anarchism She's blunter than many of the others, but she usually gets me to think about things in a new way. I actually discovered her site through when I was looking for alternatives to the usual progressive feminist viewpoint. Nobody's Business by Rogier van Bakel Pro-Liberty. Anti-Nannies. Rogier and I share respect for the writings of the late Peter McWilliams, his blog title is drawn from the title of McWilliam's best known work. His European perspective on American liberty often catches me off guard, but I am never sorry when I read his site. Brain Terminal by Evan Coyne Maloney (no description available) Definitely conservative rather than libertarian, but the man has brass and loves freedom. He first got attention by asking questions of protesters in the streets and posting videos of their answers on the web. He is one of the sites I use to detoxify after wandering through some of the darker bits of the Daily Kos. ![]()
Posted: Thu - March 8, 2007 at 02:43 PM
![]() Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. ![]() My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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Reason Magazine - Hit & Run Sunni Maravillosa and the Conspirators
Hammer of Truth Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of... Lady Liberty's Constitution Clearing House Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
no authority Center for a Stateless Society
Tammy Latino Issues: A Conservative Blog
The Nation
Papers, Please!
Letter from Hardscrabble Creek
You Are Not Alone A Big Idea from Eject! Eject! Eject! Fully Informed Jury Association World's Smallest Political Quiz Animated Introduction to the Philosophy of Liberty Institute for Liberty and Democracy
World of Ends 60 Second Refutation of Socialism, While Sitting at the Beach from Coyote Blog
World Religions - Religious Forums Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
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