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Name calling for politics

Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Unhinged The Left

I’ve learned from Twitter in the last week that not only is the Trump White House chock full of white nationalists, but that also extends to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, along with the entire Republican Party. When Republicans like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio denounce Nazis, that doesn’t mean they’re not Nazis, it just means they’re posturing. Paul Ryan “owns” Nazism just by being a Republican, I guess. Oh, and unless he’s actually impeaching Trump, he’s a brownshirt.

People who complain about calling everybody Nazis are Nazis. Anyone who points out that there were also violent, anti-democracy anarcho-Communist “Antifa” demonstrators in Charlottesville is simply making excuses for Nazis—even if they work for the New York Times.

This isn’t even guilt by association. It’s guilt by free association, and it seems almost calculated to prevent the overwhelming number of people who oppose fascism and white nationalism from making common cause with one another. There are a lot of people who are taking an issue that somewhere around 99 percent of Americans ought to be able to agree on—”Nazis are bad”—and trying to make it into a repellently partisan issue. It is as if they need us to be Nazis. If every one of them is Simon Wiesenthal, they’d better find an awful lot of Eichmanns. They need everyone who is not a card-carrying supporter of their political movement to be a total evil that justifies unlimited reprisal: from getting people fired from their jobs to beating them with sticks in the streets.
     — Robert Tracinski

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