Thursday - 10Jan2019 Filed in:
NeoNotes&Politics&Free Speech❝❝Unscientific test.
Two video monitors of equal size. A dozen people, some of who were Democrats. Both videos played side by side with the volume turned down. All but one person thought that Trump came across stronger, more confident, better body language, and more convincingly. One guy said that Pelosi and Schumer looked like high school student council candidates.
Again, I don't like Trump and I don't trust Trump. But compared to the Democrat leadership, well, there's no comparison.
Is anyone else reminded of the Kennedy-Nixon debate?❞❞
❝❝Kennedy vs. Nixon.
Regardless of what was said, visually Trump came across looking very well. Pelosi and Schumer came across looking like two high schoolers running for student council. That observation isn't mine, but I am caging it anyway. Why in the World were they sharing a lectern?
Trump came across as an executive with pictures of his loved ones in the background. And with only one American flag. Pelosi and Schumer looked like they got kicked out of the cafeteria and they dragged in flags to make the walls look good.
As an aside, the trend of using multiple flags behind you to show your patriotism is stupid.
Kennedy vs. Nixon.
If you'll remember, I told you before you need to focus on the things that Trump does that are actually wrong. I specifically mentioned his misuse of eminent domain in the past. Lo and behold, the key part of his emergency plan is eminent domain.
Peepers, you focus on the wrong things when you attack Trump. You have from the very first. And you continually mistake my not agreeing with you as support of Trump.
Trump has been making Democrats look bad since he announced. It doesn't help when Democrats continually underestimate him. Even if they ignore everything that Trump did before, there's not a one of the Democrat Congressional leadership who has ever negotiated anything outside government. Trump is playing this exactly right and the optics reflect that.
You want to take Trump down? I'll tell you what to focus on. Eminent domain. The volatility of the stock market. Not the direction, but how fast and how far it changes direction. There's some major instability there. His treatment of the EU, particularly downgrading the ambassador. National security, particularly spying on Americans. Healthcare. War on drugs. Prescription drugs and self medication. The Second Amendment. Social Security and pensions. The national debt. Military spending and accountability. Free speech. Protectionism. Start with those.
You can't treat him as a Republican politico because he isn't one. And don't forget that this man has been dragging his fights and negotiations through the press for forty years. Remember that exchange from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie about the worst pirate. Trump doesn't care if the press is good or bad, he just wants the press.
This came from an unscientific experiment that some friends and I did. And yes, some of them were Democrats. We ran the videos side by side on two monitors with the sound turned off.
Trump looked like he belonged. Pelosi and Schumer didn't. Their body language showed that they were unhappy, probably because they were sharing a lectern and neither wanted to share the spotlight. Pay attention to their hands specifically. Trump looked friendly, Pelosi and Schumer looked like they wanted to strangle someone.
I never have liked the multiple American flag thing, not even when it started with Bush League. I think it was him, he was the one I noticed using it first. Certainly the Democrats of that time were doing it. I think it is purposely distracting. Come to think of it, that's when I remember multiple Democrats sharing a lectern. Or at least all standing behind one person at the lectern.
As for the Z group, I adjusted my tactics accordingly. They wanted to ignore the political implications when those same implications were central to the argument, whether they wished to acknowledge that or not.
You on the other hand don't like to deal when facts or actions don't fit your script. You think that opposing someone means throwing every insult and accusation possible at them in the hope that something sticks. You're not willing to look the person's history and adjust accordingly. You let the labels control your expectations and then get frustrated when things don't turn out the way you want.
I was never against criticizing Trump. I was against criticizing Trump stupidly foolishly in ways that would make him look stronger and better. Throwing insults at him doesn't work, he just pushes back. Treating him as the typical Republican politico who will back down out of civility or for the greater good doesn't work because that is not what he does.
It's not that I support Trump. I just think you are attacking him in very stupid and amazingly ineffective ways.❞❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Tags: Donald Trump ∙ Democrats ∙ Nancy Pelosi ∙ Chuck Schumer ∙ Kennedy-Nixion debate ∙ multiple flags ∙ eminent domain ∙ underestimating ∙ negptiate ∙ stock market ∙ volatility ∙ EU ∙ ambassador ∙ national security ∙ spying on Americans ∙ health care ∙ War on Drugs ∙ prescription drugs ∙ self medication ∙ Second Amendment ∙ Social Security ∙ pensions ∙ national debt ∙ military spending ∙ accountability ∙ protectionism ∙ Republican ∙ politicos ∙ press ∙ political opinions ∙ insult ∙ label
Thursday - 13Dec2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Politics&Free Speech
Will China demand censorship across the globe? A free internet is humanity's last, best hope.
“The nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum speaks to the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary. Quattlebaum replaces not one, but two scuttled Obama nominees who were African American.”
There isn't a trend. See also
School Shootings Have Declined Dramatically Since The 1990S. Does It Really Make Sense To Militarize Schools?Someone didn't think it through. Well, it was a bad decision anyway, but the unintended consequences…
“A 1989 shooting at a Cal. schoolyard began the national "assault weapon" issue. It was a consequence of law enforcement failure.”
Remember Seth Rich?
People are taking the NRA boycott seriously. Just not the way the virtue signalers hoped.
All sorts of implications here
You mean climate fixes itself?
This needs to be in the gun control (victim disarmament) discussion. Remember this
The Parkland Teens Fighting For Gun Control Have The Backing Of These Huge Organizing GroupsThou shalt not dissent
“Federal law outlawed debt prisons in 1833, but lenders, landlords and even gyms and other businesses have found a way to resurrect the Dickensian practice.”
Thou shalt not dissent OR criticize
In 1900 America, "liberal" meant what "libertarian" means today
This might be a glimpse of what happens next. See also
When DCCC Calls, Hang Up the PhoneTags: China ∙ censorship ∙ debt ∙ YouTube ∙ conservatives ∙ liberal ∙ libertarian ∙ DCCC ∙ Laura Moser ∙ Parkland ∙ gun control ∙ victim disarmament ∙ drought ∙ snow ∙ Obamacare ∙ states ∙ Tenth Amendment ∙ NRA boycott ∙ virtue signaling ∙ assault weapon ∙ California ∙ Seth Rich ∙ free internet ∙ China ∙ censorship ∙ nomination ∙ Chuck Schumer ∙ racism ∙ Marvin Quattlebaum ∙ schools ∙ Google ∙ guns
Monday - 04Dec2017 Filed in:
HeadlinesBecause government can't get it done
Calls to punish skeptics rise with links to climate change, hurricanes
Because denying climate change AS THEY DEFINE IT should be a heresy punishable by law
Golly gee wilikers Mr. Weatherman, you mean we can't perfectly predict disaster?
Maybe government doesn't know better than parents
This makes sense. Which is why the politicos oppose it.
Because government can't keep your data safe
Seems this discount chain is a government informant
He's right, and it's already showing.
Perpetual victimhood can make you very tired
No regulation prevents innovation? First time I've seen that line.
There's no problem with speaking for the Democrat party AS LONG AS you tell people that is what you are doing
Yep, the election
was hacked. Just not by the people you've been told
Some things come full circle. Employers started offering health insurance and other benefits because the government imposed salary caps.
Even the United Nations can be right sometimes
And the truth will set you FREE
Obamacare was never designed to provide healthcare. It was designed to screw healthcare up so badly so that people would demand massive permanent government intervention.
Spain can't afford to let Catalonia go
What government can do if they don't like what you say
When the facts don't stand up, make it a moral case.
They want access to your house so they can watch you and deliver things
Tags: Flyers for Fairness ∙ Walmart ∙ Leonardo DiCaprio ∙ Andy Ostrowski ∙ Spain ∙ protesters ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ fake news ∙ modernize ∙ ATC system ∙ Catalonia ∙ climate change ∙ heresy ∙ Hurricane Irma ∙ free range kids ∙ blockchain ∙ voter ID ∙ iPhone ∙ security ∙ Motel 6 ∙ politcal correctness ∙ comedy ∙ Mel Brooks ∙ alt-left ∙ red pill ∙ Donald Trump ∙ Obamacare ∙ self driving car ∙ Jimmy Kimmel ∙ Chuck Schumer ∙ Democrat party ∙ election ∙ hacking the vote ∙ health insurance ∙ pollution ∙ United Nations