from crux № 5 - making mistakes
Hexing justice
❝❝As I said before, apparently the motivation for hexing Kavanaugh has moved from justice to attack.
This will have consequences, regardless of who did what where and when.❞❞
— NeoWayland, NeoNote — Political hexing
Bonus Saturday roundup
Headlines that don't merit their own entry
WATCH: #HimToo: Neil Patrick Harris Recalls Proposition From Whoopi Goldberg When He Was A Mid-Teen
So why isn't Goldberg being attacked over hitting on a teen?Democrats agree to confirmations of 15 Trump judges
"Principle" bows to politicsSometimes I Just Go Full Potato
“By engaging in this public surge and display of unfettered hate – for there is no other name for it – they are revealing themselves for what they really are: extreme radicals and bullies willing to do anything, including burn down the house while you are in it, to get what they want. They do not believe society’s laws and rules apply to them, because they regularly and intentionally (or stupidly) misinterpret the Law of the Land. They are encouraged to do so, and to traipse as close to the edge of anarchy as possible to get what they want, with no thought to the consequences.”I Won’t Support An Elizabeth Warren Presidency While She Appropriates My Identity
So the author would support a liar as long as she stops lying about what's important to the authorWe’re Not on the Brink of Civil War. Here’s Why.
How Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Finally United The Right Under Trump
Sad to say, totally accurate.Six Months Later, People Are Finally Realizing That FOSTA Actually Is Putting Lives At Risk
Top Ten Alternative Media Sites BANNED on Facebook and Twitter
First They Came for Alex Jones — We Told You We Were Next — We Were
What Sears’ Bankruptcy Says About Amazon’s Future
You are free
The standard argument
This is a page from the original version of Pagan Vigil. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
An argument against gun control has much wider application than I realized
Anyway, the film sparked a discussion on gun control. I dragged out standard libertarian argument 3B. "The people who pay attention to gun laws are not the ones you should be worried about."
Later battling insomnia sipping hot grapefruit juice (don't knock it till you have tried it), it occurred to me that was probably THE standard libertarian argument, not just against gun control but against almost every bad law.
Illegal drugs? "The people who pay attention to drug laws are not the ones you should be worried about."
Prostitution? Same thing.
Global warming?
Freedom of speech?
Unusual sexual practices?
Minority religions?
It applies to every single one.
For most people, making something illegal won't change their morality. It might prevent someone from abusing a freedom, but more likely it will just restrict the freedom of those who have already proved that they are responsible adults.
So at that point, don't these laws simply impose immoral and irresponsible conditions in the name of freedom?
The people who will obey the law will obey. And those taking advantage will simply break the law with no real consequences. The only things that increase are taxes and government power.
Who really benefits by making someone sign for cough medicine?
Posted: Sun - July 15, 2007 at 01:45 PM

That's dependency
““Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be empowered. It's not entitlement. An entitlement is what people on welfare get, and how free are they? It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights -- the "right" to education, the "right" to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery -- hay and a barn for human cattle. There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.””Read More...
Does what he must
Eliminating choice
❝❝Rather than eliminating choice, we should make sure that the consequences are clear.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Recognizing rights
☆ Our permission society
““Everything not forbidden is compulsory.””
— T. H. White, The Once and Future King
Today I want to recognize two societies, the liberty society and the permission society.
The liberty society assumes that people take responsibility for their choices. Unless it harms someone or their property, you are free to do what you choose, when you choose, and how you choose. You choose.
But you are responsible for the consequences.
The permission society forbids people from acting without permission. Or license. Or approval.
Sadly, America has moved well into being a permission society. And our politicos want to move us further.
Your income must be reported under penalty of law. Spend too much, and it is reported. Save too much and it is reported. Take it out in cash and cross state lines and it is confiscated.
You're free to take what drugs you need as long as you have a doctor's permission. Except some drugs can't be legally sold. And some you must sign for because government assumes you might be making other not so legal drugs.
You can buy alcoholic beverages usually. But some states require that you buy from the government. And some wines and beers can't be sold across state lines.
You can buy insurance if your state government has approved the policy in advance. Don't like what's offered in your state? Sorry, you don't have permission to buy anything else.
You can carry a gun or not as your state decides. You might or might not need a license. You might or might not be able to carry a concealed weapon. Oh, and just because you can do it in your state doesn't mean you can do it in another.
You can start your own business. If you get the proper permits and occupational licensing. And sometimes, if your would be competition doesn't object.
You can rent out your house. If the local hotels and motels don't raise a fuss.
You can use your car to drive people. As long as you don't charge them if you don't have a taxi medallion.
How is this freedom?
Where is the harm?
Why do you stand for this?