Sunday - 12May2019 Filed in:
Law&Free Markets&Free Speech❝❝Private property.
Take me for example. I pay for the domain name registration and the web hosting on my sites. I choose what I put there. I am no more required to give someone else access than I am required to let that someone else sell used cars off my patio or erect a Decalogue monument on my front lawn.
Having said that, if your company advertises and has built it's services on allowing people to speak or write their mind, it's hypocritical to allow one viewpoint without others provided no one advocates harming others, taking or destroying property, or breaking the law.
Private property still applies.
They can't do it in my place and I can't do it in theirs.
The road is a commons. The shopping mall isn't. The portals to the internet are provided by your ISP, not the social media.
Social media is something you choose to use. As the old saying goes, if you are not paying for the product, you are the product. Or at least your data and your access to the "cool sites" is.❞❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.

Tags: private property ∙ domain registration ∙ web hosting ∙ choose ∙ speak or write their mind ∙ road ∙ commons ∙ shopping mall ∙ portals ∙ you are the product
Wednesday - 13Dec2017 Filed in:
HeadlinesA good move I think
Both major parties want to spend more than the government actually has. Not more than it should have, but more than it has.
If you go after Trump with anything less than the absolute truth, expect to fail.
A major step. There are 14 other states that already require this.
I don't understand bitcoin. Either this is a really big bubble, or there is a desperate need for an unregulated currency.
Glen Reynolds tries to find out if Lisa Page was involved in approving Peter Strzok’s warrant requests.
Another sign of the commercial real estate collapse
Theocratic Republican defeated
Uber is a good idea with lousy execution
There was no collusion. The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign..
Don't fall for it
The Real ID legacy
“The U.S. is now the most unpredictable actor in the world today.”
Tags: student loan debt ∙ deficit ∙ Republicans ∙ Roy Moore ∙ Donald Trump ∙ Uber ∙ TSA ∙ Real ID ∙ FBI ∙ perjury ∙ Obama administration ∙ Trump campaign ∙ polar bears ∙ price gouging ∙ accusations ∙ Georgia ∙ collapse ∙ lawmakers ∙ bitcoin ∙ bubble ∙ special counsel ∙ Glen Reynolds ∙ Lisa Page ∙ Peter Strzok ∙ shopping mall ∙ commercial real estate