Franklin on democracy
The internet is the last, best hope for freedom. And the European Union can't stand that idea.
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““Stop insulting Americans just because they vote for someone you don’t like.””
Real & impossible rights
In the United States, women have more rights than any where else in the World. Period. This cannot be disputed. The Fourteenth and Nineteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution pretty much took care of that. It's not perfect by any means, and yes, some males can be total a*holes about it. But (and this is a darn important but), American women enjoy rights that are impossible for other women in much of the World.
To start with, American women are secure in their persons and that is protected by law. They are not usually forced into radical surgical modification such as female genital mutilation. They can not be forcibly married. They can't legally be forced into sex. They can't be required to provide body parts, organs, or blood on demand.
American women can AND usually do own property. They can exchange their labor for cash. They can have bank accounts (even if there were problems with that until well into the 1970s). Their property is protected by law just as any man's property is.
Third and most importantly, American women have the right to vote. As citizens, they have every right to try changing government within the system if they don't like it. And if they and enough of their fellow citizens agree, they have the right to abolish the government and start again.
There are other rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to bear arms, and so on. Somehow these other rights are never under discussion, even though they do not exist for women elsewhere on the planet.
These are the very same rights that every American citizen possesses.
Then there are four sets of rights that some women want that are not guaranteed by the Constitution and law.
The first set concerns equal pay. This can be confusing. Some jobs are inherently more dangerous and pay more. Some jobs require much more than the normal time and a near obsession with the job itself, these often pay more. Jobs are like anything else, there are tradeoffs.
❝❝The 23-cent gender pay gap is simply the difference between the average earnings of all men and women working full-time. It does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure, or hours worked per week. When all these relevant factors are taken into consideration, the wage gap narrows to about five cents. And no one knows if the five cents is a result of discrimination or some other subtle, hard-to-measure difference between male and female workers.❞❞
— Christina Hoff Sommers, No, Women Don’t Make Less Money Than Men
The second set concerns the sexualization of women. Some describe it as the hyper-sexualization of women.
Well, I have news for you. Humans are sexual creatures. Men are going to pay attention to women. Yes, even homosexual men. It's hardwired into the biology. The fact that the overwhelming majority of men do not have sex all the time with every female in sight at every opportunity is a credit to morals and Western Civilization. You're going to get speculative looks and appreciative looks. Sometimes you may get comments.
And you know what? Not all ladies are offended by that. Please don't act as if women are a monolithic block who all speak and act as one.
Sometimes women dress to get attention. Men are going to respond.
But since America is not a rape culture, women are still secure in their person. Or they should be anyway.
There's a difference between admiration and forced sex.
The third set concerns privileges for women because of past wrongs done against the gender by men. These aren't rights because everyone (men and women) share rights. These are special privileges that apply only to women because they are women.
That's not going to work.
In my case, I'm not going to take responsibility for something I didn't do. If the guy three streets over did it, I'm not responsible. If it happened in my grandfather's time, I'm not responsible. If my brother did it, I'm probably not responsible, but we'll talk it over and see.
Guilting someone into giving you privilege means the privilege will only last as long as the guilt.
That brings us to the fourth set. Somehow this set gets more attention than the rest, it concerns reproductive rights. As nearly as I can tell, this is reduced-cost and/or free contraception and abortion.
Going back to the first right I discussed in this post, American women are secure in their persons.
This means that sex is a voluntary activity. I'm going to say that again.
Sex is a voluntary activity.
I'm not responsible for a woman's sexual behavior any more than I am responsible for the color of her shoes. It's her choice and her responsibility. It's not her neighbor's responsibility. It's not society's responsibility.
Unless it's with me, who you have sex with, how you have sex, and how many times you have sex is frankly none of my business. Likewise, unless it is sex with me, I'm not responsible for the consequences.
So that is four sets of impossible "rights" that some women call "women's rights." These rights can't be granted. And the only set that President Trump threatens is the last set, the "reproductive rights."
I can't support these "women's rights."
I can support American rights as I discussed in the first part of this post.
Those are actually rights and worth defending.

Not all feminists…
Certainly not all women are like that. What we have is a very small group that wants political power and public validation in the worst way. Yes, it’s another case of Those Who Want To Be Noticed.