❝❝The problem with making the personal political is that you drag everyone around you into politics, whether they want to be or not.
The environment is a hugely complex topic. Where do we start? Water rights? Ethanol eradication? GMO seeds? Climate change? I'm willing to bet that no one here is going to agree on all of those.
Likewise the "religious right." Obviously we need to take a stand against people like Roy Moore. It took me twenty-plus years to get on speaking terms some of my relatives younger than me, I'd rather not throw that away. Not all of the religious right is a monolithic block, any more than all pagans. Individual relationships work better than shunning everyone with the wrong label.
Pardon, but I've found environmental issues particularly troubling, to the point where I'd rather discuss ecology rather than environmentalism. There are some in the climate change crowd who are just as absolutist as any hard core evangelical Christian. As another example, when I call for the eradication of ethanol because it is subsidized, requires food crops, consumes more than a gallon of gas to produce one gallon of ethanol, and is harder to store and transport than gasoline, I'm attacked because I am "in the pocket of big oil."
Perhaps it's that absolutist quality that is the real problem. There's more than one answer and one answer doesn't fit all. I'd say there is more than one problem too, but most don't want to deal with that.❞❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.

Tags: environment ∙ personal ∙ water rights ∙ ethanol ∙ GMOs ∙ climate alarmist ∙ religious right ∙ Christian ∙ Roy Moore ∙ pagans ∙ absolutist ∙ answer
Friday - 27Apr2018 Filed in: